Loms tough too
Loms tough too

“I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. Despite regarding Palob as a scum-weasel I did find the list pretty fun to fly and felt that it held up well in every game where I didn’t make a stupid mistake. The loses I encountered were against some absolute top tier players including European Champ Ben Lee and Coruscant Champ Tom Forstner. I went 5-4 over all with it and had some really good games. Last weekend I took Old Bobalob to a couple of events (you can guess the components from the name) which I quite enjoyed flying. I get that style of play, it just isn’t a good fit with me.

loms tough too

It doesn’t have to be a snowflake list (although I’ll admit that’s my general direction of travel) but it has to interest me in more than just being mechanically good. I’ve always been a player who plays with my heart on my sleeve, I have to enjoy flying what I’m flying, it has to inspire me. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you’re no good.” Rocky

loms tough too

“But somewhere along the line, you changed.

loms tough too

Life in game and out of game has been a little turbulent of late and I’ve felt like I’ve done a few rounds in the ring with someone a lot bigger, stronger and faster than me… Between stress with my car being broken, a very busy time at work, and feeling a bit lost in the world of X-Wing it’s been hard to pick myself up and feel motivated. Hello all, I’ve had a break for a couple of weeks.

Loms tough too