Amp cell driver shaft extra stiff
Amp cell driver shaft extra stiff

amp cell driver shaft extra stiff

They do this because a stiff shaft gives them more control over the clubhead throughout the swing. Stronger players with faster swings typically elect to use stiffer shafts, for example. The swing speed is the main consideration in selecting a driver shaft. The two main characteristics of a swing that affect how efficiently and effectively the power of the swing get transferred into the club head are swing speed and tempo. It does not provide the power, but rather tries to transfer the power from the engine (your swing) smoothly on to the next step in the process (the driver head). It is like the transmission of a sports car. The two main pieces of the puzzle that manufacturers seek to address are a player’s swing and that player’s shot tendencies or preferences.Ī shaft is not a magic cure for serious swing flaws. Driver shafts have specific characteristics that are engineered to cater to one subset of golfers or another. However, they can only differ in so many ways. The old adage in golf is that no two swings are identical. Like every other piece of equipment, driver shafts utilize technology to improve upon the things we do well and to correct the things we don’t. Luckily manufacturers take our idiosyncrasies into account when they design golf implements. Subtle changes in a golf swing can make drastic differences, and the same applies to equipment. Guide to Selecting the Best Driver Shaft.

Amp cell driver shaft extra stiff